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Washburn Bookkeeping & Tax Services, Wilma WashburnPhone:(256) 729-5412
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Business Name:Washburn Bookkeeping & Tax Services
Contact Person:Wilma Washburn
Address:17021 Shaw Rd
Athens, AL 35611-6350
Office Phone:(256) 729-5412
Office Fax:
Office Email:
Web Address:
Estimated Staff:1
Industrial Classification:729101: Tax Return Preparation & Filing
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About: Number of employees: 1 to 4 Sales Volume:Less Than $500000 Service Provided: 729101: Tax Return Preparation & Filing, 729101: Tax Return Preparation & Filing, 872102: Accounting & Bookkeeping General Svc.

Washburn Bookkeeping & Tax Services is located at 17021 Shaw Rd Athens, AL 35611-6350. Please call (256) 729-5412 to verify the address before visit.

Wilma Washburn is the Owner contact person. If you will be paying someone to do your tax return, choose a tax preparer wisely. You are legally responsible for what’s on your tax returns even if they are prepared by someone else. So, it’s important to find a qualified tax professional. We suggest you contact more Tax Return Preparers nearby before choosing your TaxReturn.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Washburn Bookkeeping & Tax Services is 729101: Tax Return Preparation & Filing. The estimated number of employees at Washburn Bookkeeping & Tax Services is 1. The phone number is (256) 729-5412. The fax number is (256) 729-5412. The web address is www.TaxReturn8.com/#TYPE#/washburn-bookkeeping-tax.htm.htm. Please click the Correct Listing link to update the contact information(contact person, phone number, fax, email address and web address, etc).
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